Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Modern vs. Classical Music free essay sample

Though the delight of listening to a brand new track on a compact disc with a big name artist has a similar emotional feel for modern day people, as It would have felt for people listening to a live symphony during the Classical era, the ability the artists, and those involved with them, have with the increase of new technology and business schemes has allowed their base of listeners to be on a global scale for millions, If not yet billions.During the late 17th century to early 19th century, the honeymoon that is the evolution of Liturgical Music had hit the Classical era; extremely skilled artists such as Mozart, Beethoven, Haydn and Schubert were producing masterpieces for the courts of the upper class. Because the culture that surrounds these classic artists and the modern artists has changed greatly over hundreds of years, the skill Involved In becoming a master of the art has not. We will write a custom essay sample on Modern vs. Classical Music or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Though taken very early in life from ongoing battles with illness mixed with over exhaustion from tirelessly producing piece after piece and a final, fatal bout with typhoid fever, Vienna based Franz Schubert work Is often described as being the last great representation of Classical era music, as well as being a transitional composer between classical and romantic era. Throughout his life while he composed, he worked mostly in schools after his own schooling, applying for various positions but seeming to end up falling short of his goal.In 1818 he was even Jobless and considered himself a failure, especially during the spring, when he produced only one work considered noteworthy, so he left the city for the summer months and was ivied showing exuberant spirits;and fresh creative outbursts, in creating three dynamic pieces. But at this time, his music was starting to be used in performances around Vienna. HIS only public performance, which was Ironically the same year he died, genera ted much profit In terms of money and success In terms of his lifelong accomplishments as an artist ending on a strong foot.Like Haydn and Beethoven, Mozart studied at the prestigious Viennese Classical School, but unlike those composers, or any other artist In history for that matter, he worked with all genres of USIA available to him at the time, and remarkably had success in all of them. This, along with the fact he was composing by age five and performing for royalty and nobility by age of six, point out his true musical genius. Although his musical talent was strong In composition as well as performance and he had toured through Italy, Anaheim.Pans, Salisbury, Munich and of course Vienna through early years of his life, he had serious financial worries, and they worsened as the famously fickle Viennese found other idols. His income during his last five years, 1786091, was far larger than that of most musicians, though much below that of the class he wanted to be associated Beethoven, whose father saw promise with him musically at a young age, did not develop the talent or partial recognition that Mozart had until his teens.In the late sasss, it is said he went to Vienna from his hometown of Bonn to study with Mozart, who was impressed with Beethovens abilities and thought this young man will make a great name for himself. At the turn of the century, It became appa rent to Beethoven that his continuing lose of hearing will only get worse, but that he will seize fate by the throat. Though stricken with bad luck in health and 1 OFF financial woes that Mozart and Schubert had, and was also the first musician in history to receive a salary for nothing more than compose under his own restrictions. Ninth the evolution of music and technology from the classical era to what the industry has today, the composition, production and presentation of music has expanded the capabilities of the artist and the audience. In addition, the financial Norris that the forefathers of this art had to endure have not impacted the upper echelon of musicians today by any means, and we saw a transition to this starting Ninth Beethovens salary, which showed a rise in appreciation of musicians by all society, rather than church and wealthy commissioners.The music medium has exploded into a worldwide cultural phenomenon, where ideas and thoughts of composition and sound can be exchanged with ease through radios, computers, encores and Vinyl/CD/Tape/MPH, which leads to constantly evolving music, rather than the antiquated notion of music being a regional cultural experience.In terms of the artist in the modern music scene, the skill and dedication required is equally demanding if not more so to rise to t he top in this competitive industry, though the reward is far greater in terms of fame, wealth and social status; all of which Mozart striver for but never was able to attain despite being perhaps one of the greatest musical talents the world has seen yet.Also with the expansion of audiences, infusions of genres and capabilities with technology, modern society has seen a trend in corporations fabricating bands, composing music for artists that fit with the cultural fads and electronically perfecting acoustics, all of which are ways for these companies to make quick profit. The downfall in this is the loss of appreciation of music by these corporations and eventually listeners, in terms of the emotion, talent and sacrifice that it takes away from the real musicians trying to make a name for themselves and their careers, such as Schubert and Mozart.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Compare And Contrast Essay Topics -

Compare And Contrast Essay Topics Compare And Contrast Essay Topics We understand things better when we compare them to other objects. By defining similarities and differences, we can tell much about two or more things or persons. When studying at a college or university, we do it by writing compare and contrast essays.When you need to write such a paper, you can compare events, people real or fictional, places, companies, buildings, different books. For example, you are able to compare two US presidents, analyzing what were their political methods and who did his tasks better.Such papers are not only about similarities or only differences. When writing them, you should note both similarities and differences, it helps to analyze objects or persons more deeply and understand their behavior better.It is also not only a list or table of differences. When you have a list of differences and similarities, you are able to analyze this information. It also helps you to prove your thesis statement from the introduction by providing necessary facts.When you ar e required to write such a paper, you should pick a good topic – the more relevant and interesting it is for you, the better result you will get and, when working on a paper with a good topic, it will be much easier to write well.How To Choose Topic For Compare And Contrast Essay?First of all, try to pick a topic that is interesting for you. If you need to write about books, you can compare books you read last month or if you should write about two politicians, check if there are any politicians whose experience you know well.The good compare and contrast essay  topics for college students should also be connected with what they are studying now. There is no big meaning if you write about anything that is not connected with your current course.Compared objects should be similar but also need to have differences. It’s not very wise to compare a fictional character to an event or a real company to a famous singer. You should also pick a topic for which you will develop the good thesis statement.Try to pick original titles and avoid topics that are often used by other students. If you read examples of such works, you will understand what topic are too widely used so there is no reason for writing more similar papers.You may not have experience of writing such papers. You are able to pick easy compare and contrast essay topics. It is not difficult to use them and it will be easier to collect necessary information for writing such papers.When comparing things or persons, you need to search for information about them. To do it, you will use books and online websites, and other different sources. If you are going to pick a specific topic, check that you will find necessary facts on it.You should read examples of such papers to understand how to write their titles. They should be short but contain necessary information about objectives of research, the objects of your essay, and what is your thesis statement.Recent the Most Interesting Topics for Compa re and Contrast EssayHere you can read several topics for such papers. You shouldn’t copy them but rather use them as inspiration for your own title. The list is only the example, so students can develop much more interesting titles for papers.Educational TopicsWriting about an education is a simple task for students. They are a part of education system. That is why writing papers about school or university help them uncover the current problems of education and ways of solving them.School vs. College: What has more problems that need to be solved fast;Students who live in cities where they study and students from other cities: Who make more efforts to get the education;Essays and research papers: what is more difficult to write;American and British English: main differences;The process of applying to a university and for a job: similarities and differences;PhD degree versus. Master’s degree: How PhD is better;Argumentative and Persuasive essays: are they actually diff erent.Historical TopicsWhen learning history, it is needed to compare different persons and events. It helps us analyze specific events and their circumstances and it also helps to predict things that are similar to historical events. Below are some ideas you may use.The first presidents of US versus Donald Trump: how their methods are different;WW I and WW II: which of them was more predictable;Middle Ages and the Renaissance Period: what changed;Disaster of Pompeii and hurricanes in the modern US: does humanity handle such problems better;North vs. South Korea: How did they become so different;Is fascism ideology so different from Nazism;The French and October revolutions: most notable similarities.Topics For BeginnersLooking for a simple theme? It’s difficult to write such essays for people who didn’t do such tasks earlier and that is why they are usually required to write more simple papers about usual things. If you write such papers well, you will be able to work on papers that are more complex.Apples versus Pears: What is better;Tea versus Coffee: What is better to drink every day;Villages vs. Cities: Where to live;Cats versus. Dogs: The most notable differences and similar sides;Heat versus Cold weather: What is better;TV vs cinemas: Where to watch movies;Downloading videos or watching them online: What is easier.Opposite Things ComparisonBy comparing opposite things, you may find a lot of differences. However, there can be also many similar sides. When writing such papers, you need to specify your thesis statement that will define the scope of your research.Coke versus Pepsi: Comparison of competitive companies;Red versus blue;Cars versus public transport;Sun and Moon;Summer versus Winter;Healthy vs. junky food;McDonalds vs. KFC.Topics For Compare And Contrast Essay About TeenagersStudents usually write well about things they are familiar with. That is why they like to write about things that are interesting for teenagers. They may not h ave needed experience but they are interested in researching such topics.Adulthood versus Childhood: The main advantages of aging and growing;Home or Campus: Where to stay if you live in the city where the university is located;Paper books or digital devices: Which is more practical;HBO vs. Netflix: Whose content is better;Asking parents for help vs. solving problems on your own;Watching YouTube special courses or reading books;Buying cheap or expensive devices.Interesting Compare And Contrast Essay Topics About Digital TechnologiesStudents like to use modern technologies and devices. They wear them in different places, using them for hours. That is why social media and modern technologies are the most interesting topic for many students.Email versus traditional mails: Will Email win;Online versus traditional shops;Computer games versus Console games;Online vs. ordinary communication with friends;MS Word vs. Google Docs;Using computer by children from early age or later;Blogs in soc ial networks vs. creating your website.The Best Compare And Contrast Essay Topics On LiteratureEssays on literature are very popular in middle and high school. There are many books, authors, characters, and points of view. That is why literature gives a lot of possibilities to those who need to write such papers.Ancient mythology against modern books based on it;Greek versus Roman mythology;Classic tales and modern children books;Documental versus Fiction books;Harry Potter versus Lord of the Rings saga;Short and big books;Reading online against buying paper books.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Capacity to contract is a concept meant to protect those who are Essay

Capacity to contract is a concept meant to protect those who are disadvantaged in the society Explain - Essay Example Simply stated, a contract may be valid when made by parties recognized by law to be of legal personality be they natural or artificial persons. When the law forbids or limits a party from performing certain activities, any contractual relationships entered into by them to do so become either void or voidable on the basis of incapacity. In some cases, this incapacity is referred to as incompetence. In some cases however, certain classes of persons are only able to engage in contract only to limited extents as noted by Gaylord and LeRoy (2003). Some persons that are considered in these classes include minors, alien enemies, people who are mentally unsound or insane, bankrupts, drunkards, companies, receivers of companies, and partnerships among others according to the United Kingdom’s law. Such incompetence or incapacity in some cases may be regarded in terms of absence of good faith on the other party’s side. What this means is that all sober and sane adults can contract although their actions are controlled to protect other persons from being subject to exploitations. The intention of this measure is to protect those persons who may not be able to make decisions that are to their best interest according to Barnett (1986) and Barnett (2003). The requirement for capacity however can be challenged in exceptional cases such as when the contact with a person who is not of legal capacity regards necessities of life which include shelter, clothing and food. The argument in this case is that certain goods or services are required for human survival and even those who are incompetent need them. In other cases an incompetent party may enter into a contract with a competent party out of social need (Austen-Baker, 2002) as in the case where a teenager purchases from a business person a tuxedo for their graduation. In general,

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

BSC (Hons) Social Work. Cross-Cultural Perspectives on society Essay

BSC (Hons) Social Work. Cross-Cultural Perspectives on society - Essay Example use practitioners and clients no longer speak the same language nor do they share similar/comparable cultural references and worldviews (Hawkins, Fook and Ryan, 2001). From an ethical perspective, multiculturalism has made negotiations through the ethical minefields of social work all the more treacherous. Suffice to say, as Bisman (2004) points out, the contemporary British social worker can no longer be guided by the ethical guidelines which inform professional British social work but needs to adopt a more universal, a-cultural ethical approach which acknowledges and respects the ethnic/cultural ethics of clients. From the theoretical perspective, this means that not only is a more multicultural professional ethics guideline required but that interventions strategies which address the challenges posed by the increasingly cross-cultural nature of the practice need to be developed (Walker, 2001; Scourfield, 2002). Not only has multiculturalism complicated the work of the British social worker from all of the theoretical, ethical and cultural perspectives, but contemporary social worker can find him/herself in a position wherein legal restrictions and regulations clash with professional duties and obligations. Given that since 1998 population and demographic changes across Britain were a direct result of the inflow of refugees and asylum seekers (Rees and Boden, 2006), social workers often find themselves in a situation wherein both their professional ethics and training dictate the imperatives of their extending help to members of this group while the law effectively constrains their ability to do so. In other words, considering that likelihood of the British social worker’s having, not only to counsel and help an ethnically diverse clientele but both refugees and asylum seekers as well, the chances of coming into contact with illegal immigrants who, despite their status are in dire ne ed of help, are high. As I discovered through personal professional

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Political Philosophy and National Integration Essay Example for Free

Political Philosophy and National Integration Essay 1. Central Quotation â€Å"National integration is partly a by-product of other social and economic developments, partly the result of deliberate government policies.† (Birch, 36) 2. Argument In this text Birch gives a historical overview of national integration process. He discusses different attitudes towards assimilation of minorities that existed in North America and Europe. Before 1960s that it was current believe that national integration could be challenged by the existence of different ethnic groups within the borders of the country and assimilation was desirable. After 1960 however, this attitudes has changed in favour of social pluralism. Birch also presents patterns, which describes common practices of national integration. 3. Question The question raised in this text is â€Å"Whether the process of national integration must be accompanied by wholly or partial assimilation of minorities?† Birch describes both negative and positive effects, which social, economic and political integration of minor ethnic and cultural groups could have on building a sense of nationhood. His argumentation is based on contradictory assertions. One argument is in favour of social homogeneity i.e. stresses the importance of common language and feeling of unity among people for development of democratic institutions. In the same time author mention several scientific works that question the assumption that further integration is required for establishment of representative democracy. 4. Experiential Connection Even thou I grew up in Sweden, I have a lot of friends with different ethnic origin who lives there, mostly 1st or 2nd generation immigrants. All of them had a chance, upon their own will to learn Swedish free of charge as soon as they arrived. That was the part of integration programme established by government in order to facilitate immigration process. That makes it easier for immigrants to interact with local citizens, get the jobs and thus contribute to social, political and economic development of the country. 5. Textual Connection. Birch’s argumentation is quite similar to Will Kymlicka’sagrument in the text â€Å"Western political theory and ethnic relations in eastern Europe†. As well as Birch, Kymlicka stresses that attitudes toward ethnic minorities among democratic liberals in West had changed since 1960 and multiculturalism become more acceptable (Kymlicka, s. 33). Kymlicka focuses on different ethnic groups and describes assimilation attempts made by governments towards these groups. He also emphasizes the importance of different governmental policies that determines integration process (Kymlicka, s. 42). 6. Implications. This text analyses the different ways in which minor groups can be merged into national societies and poses the question of whether national integration is a positive or a negative process. This question must be answered by citizens and representative governments in every country before there will be taken any further action toward national integration or disintegration. I think government have to consider prior experience of integration of minorities in different countries to choose appropriated policies for the particular county. This can be done throughout case studies and with help of patterns of integration drawn up by theorists and scientists.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Project Management and Communication

Project Management and Communication ANSWER 1 According to this case study, lot of project management steps that were important to follow for product development. I am going to describe these steps below. Project management should follow these steps for success business such as, Project Initiating: It is very important step to start any project in which management have to consider how they project will start, about providing material and overview of the project. Project management should focus on important things and check scope etc. Project Planning: This steps should be taken by senior management and implement on the rules of a project, budget and personal etc. They have to plan according to the project that has been run success. Project execution: In this step management need to implement their knowledge on the job place and have to deliver good work on the project. Monitoring and Control: Each project has some senior staff to monitor and control the workers who are working under their. They should have complete their work on right time by monitoring junior staff and they have to control all issues like health and safety etc. The given case study depicts that Corwin Corporations project was failed because they had to take some important steps to make their project success that are given below, They need to focus on experienced project manager who can proceed their projects successfully. Also project manager should be well qualified, good communication skills etc. Corwins company should complete their project on time as they assigned at the time of making a contract. Also they need to complete their project in the budget as they committed. They have to be attention on raw material and resource planning like they may not waste any material for any reason. ANSWER 2 A) Senior management employees are working as executive and there are very important areas and role on where they have to work or implement their knowledge in this competitive job market. The steps are given below, Senior management: They work as a senior management at a project. They have to provide all kind of staff as per requirement on a project that project can be completed successfully. So they have to check ability of every employee who will work on a project. Selection of Project Manager: The executive have to select a project manager for a particular project. They should have to check all ability of a good project manager that manager should have good communication skills to work in the competitive market. Also project manager have a well qualified to work on a project. Scope:- They should give a whole report of a project like if there will be any risk or any kind of trouble may be occur during the project and also give solution. The executive should have good knowledge about all kind of work. Budget:- They have to make a budget report by calculating all the material and they should have to complete work within the budget whether they exceed the budget. Resources:-Executives should have to provide all kind of resources on a project as per requirement but it should be of good quality as they committed in the contract. B) Project manager should have some qualities which need to be considered by Corwin Corporation like a project manager should have a very high communication skills with that manager can communicate with all people who are working on a project. Also manager should have good qualities of work to do so safely and be completed on time. Moreover, project manager should have good knowledge of scope. ANSWER 3 They had many problems in communication between Corwin Corporation and Peters company are given below:- There were no exact ways of talking between the project manager and executives at the time of project. They had introduced the project with the absence of senior manager of the company. The discussions were made in the vacations about the project and also decision was taken at the time of holidays. The project manager and the executive were not giving a proper statement about the development of project. One person went on holidays for two days without any prior notice who was Den west working in engineering support department. Moreover, he had not informed to the line workers and not attended the very important meeting which may help to him regarding the project. ANSWER 4 The organization chart of Corwin Corporation is given below:- Corwin beat administration had not considered the important enthusiasm for the venture work and did not give the official level support:-       Corwin constantly rolling out the improvements in the arranging and planning of the venture till the consummation of the venture. In house illustrative of the dwindles organization was meddling the employments and he expelled the utilitarian administrator from the venture at the term of the venture. Dan west gives a wrong data about the venture to the senior management. ANSWER 5 STAKEHOLDERS NAME ROLE DUTIES Dr. Frank Delia Vice President Manage whole marketing group, providing job to them, making new systems, informing senior administrators and execution regarding choices. Pat Ray In- House Representative To watch that all the work has done by the particular principles and within the time, or in other work to cosmetics the advance and afterward report back to organization Dr. Reddy Research Development Director To do additionally investigate and build up the item as far as quality and determinations, other thing resembles that they have to co-work with the designing and also promoting office. Dick Potts Contract Person He is in charge of all the work instruments utilized by them, their wages and their supply too. Gene Frimel Vice President Deal with different organizations about the up and coming task and taking choices about matters identified with that division. ANSWER 6 S. No. Activities Department 1 PROJECT INITIATION MARKETING 2 APPROVAL OF PROJECT MARKETING 3 SELECTION OF PROJECT MANAGER RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT 4 PLANNING SCHEDULING OF PROJECT RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT 5 PROJECT CONTROL QUALITY QUALITY MANAGER 6 ASSIGNMENT OF WORK PROJECT MANAGAER 7 PROJECT RESOURCES PROJECT MANAGER 8 RISKS RISK MANAGEMENT 9 PROJECT EXECUTION PROJECT MANAGER 10 TERMINATION OF PROJECT EXECUTIVES b) Work Break Down Structure ANSWER 7 a) Dan west broke down that thirty test would be directed and matrix test would gave depiction about the test state of the five stage. The remained 25 test condition would be led later wards Before the finish of the third week all the important raw material had bought and essential detailing and testing were prepared to start. b) Project manager ought to be ensuring about these obligations for the consummation of this venture:- Project manager should include in the designing office in the venture work and counsel ought to be set aside from the opportunity to time. Project manager should have made the correct booking and making arrangements for the venture function as they were rolling out ceaseless improvement in their venture arranging because of that the date of the venture execution was postponed. P.M. need to convey the right data about the venture work to the senior administration with the goal that they can find a way to get the venture work the correct bearing. c) P.M. needs to perceive the formally and casually chance which specifically impact the fulfillment of the venture. Project manager can utilize the venture administration programming to design the reports and diagrams in regards to the advance of the venture work. P.M. could concoct the senior manager, line director and partners so every updates can be effectively get with respect to the venture and it can be convey to the senior supervisor ANSWER 8 a) Given Below 1) Definition of Peters company project scope:- subject to task supervisor One assignment need been regarded feasible. Outline from claiming work breakdown structure. Plan furthermore arrange have been portrayed 2) Scope Verification:-degree watching board Undertaking degree suggestion Affirmation Support 3) Observing Scope:- Arrangement all the required assets for the venture group Making arrangements for the venture work Perceive the advantages for the venture group Arrange the instruments and gadgets b) Asses the effect for hold from asserting change diminishes specific association one errand on time, cost and resources. The subsides association venture may have not been fulfilling each and every one of criteria of the higher forces. The undertaking may have been requiring behind beginning with its calendars that were made sooner for its accomplishment the less gathering may have not been competent to accommodate those fitting achieves the rendered time opening. Likewise they acquire utilized the arrangement the initial periods of the venture amid those farthest point they were in charge of the endeavoring of the one assignment. The benefits they were using for those one errand were under utilize no right supervision were furnished for with them. ANSWER 9 A) 1.Toward by examining those exploration try illuminate the reasons in view of which dwindles association venture may have not been described fittingly. 2. Administration the first and the primary reason may have been those inadequate administration, the directors kinfolk were secured a huge bits differing practices so they were not giving fitting attentiveness with respect to the people endeavoring around. 3. by examining circumstance think about, analyze the piece of understanding executives in the degree and the augmentation assortment of the wander. B) A line director will be the person who particularly controls and oversees diverse parts of the less gathering. 1. Some portion of offering were responsible for managing the arrangement sheet furthermore. 2. They were scanning for the gone through calendars of the errand that if not require behind. C) They were in charge of every one of their exercises to their project manager. Obligation- The schedule of the wander may have not been really portrayed similarly the people were bringing extra event when will finish those one errand in light they were not getting those sponsorship from their seniors. Financial plan- They plan the arrangement of the endeavor may have not been truly described in like manner the people were bringing extra period ought to finish those wander in view they were not recovering those from their seniors. Budget- The arrangement of the errand may have been portrayed in the timely stages yet the less gathering may have not been endeavoring in a similar way. They required ate up that arrangement at the outset stages. ANSWER 10 A) By examining research attempt make sense of announcing weight. Besides administration channels that were used inside dwindles specific association undertaking. The detailing weight besides administration channels were social events and telephone requires the inverse less gathering parts of the wander. They were additionally using oral introductions as of late on accessible those undertaking subtitle components. B) Suggest in any occasion specific case announcing weight moreover administration gadget that may achieve productive fulfillment about diminishes shares of the association undertaking. That best demonstration may make introductions that may oblige minimum paper fill in additionally perplexities. Thus in the introductions each and every one of proposals would respected in addition they could make discussed on the table in the region of each and every one of gathering parts. likewise also it wont make any conflicts in the mind about various less gathering parts. Since at first the moderator will join each besides all that in the introduction be that whichever if he left anything those gathering of people then again those gathering of spectators could incorporate their a noteworthy perspective under it to the immense execution of the one undertaking. ANSWER 11 A) A similarly a develop chief from asserting Corwin Corporation, survey the part from cosset regulated economy all through different period around one errand. Essentially as an endeavor chief require to settle on correct one undertaking cost organization thought. Those one assignment cosset directed economy and procedure will quantify the cost of the errand in discrete phases of the one undertaking. Concerning delineation an endeavor overseer our major errand will be to finished those value of exertion inside the accommodated arrange. For this we have particular stage that is given beneath:- 1. Resource arranging Above all else we should check those past data ought to evaluate those cosset to an endeavor of same kind. Taking after that exasperate the masterminding from guaranteeing cost as expressed by resources open in the affiliation. Like the thing that is the cost for overhead moreover et cetera cosset concerning outline an expand director we should describe this cosset in the organizing system which would fundamental on manufacture an endeavor. 2. Cosset Estimation- Not withstanding those undertaking boss need ought to make the assessed cost to those assets, work, overhead, readiness with worker, testing cost and association cosset oblige ought to complete those venture. 3. Assignment Budget-Build an arrangement toward using most minimal part ought to top banana strategy the place wander organization personnel need ought to outline cosset to the unmistakable fill in things to make benchmark for those wander measuring likewise degrade underwriting from the senior directed economy. 4. Cosset observing In the get ready of the venture each and every one of data need with record to check if our undertaking is setting off secured nearby straight bearing likewise inside the arrangement. One errand boss need with screen the wander already, such methodologies with check there undertaking will be remain in line inside the administer arrange. After those fulfillment for errand make a report card for the total strategy which may make used inside future to such an endeavor. B) Assess imitating cosset evaluating relationship for the Subsides organization wander 1. Logical conditions subordinate upon backslide examination 2. Taken a toll Quantity affiliation 3. Taken a toll cost affiliation 4. Taken a toll non-cost relationship 1. Logical conditions subordinate upon backslide examination The backslide examination might be used to forecast and deciding those cosset for an endeavor. In this one is subordinate variable which depend on those change in the value about self-governing variable. Like in the Peters office undertaking at the sum for test is development those cost of the arrangement might be likewise construct. Along these lines the as a rule plan of the one assignment depend on those cosset utilize all the upon number from guaranteeing variable in the endeavor in control work/bolster cost, testing cost, overhead cost, materials and GA cost. The larger part it is self-governing variable which affect the cosset of the item however whatever of the things cost might be movements from assessed cost over it will impact the as a rule plan of the Subsides association extend. 2. Taken a toll Quantity relationship-Cost amount affiliation will be rely on upon the no about things make in within the cost. The one undertaking chief should outfit arrange. Like in Peters specific association one assignment those one undertaking should make those wander in the accommodated cost $250,000. Those commitment of wander boss will screen those endeavor will get the number for sum in the given to cosset on accomplish those target. 3. Taken a toll cost relationship-The cost-cost relationship contribute on the cosset which might be particularly connected with those assignment. In the Dwindles specific association extend those cosset utilize all the upon quick work/bolster, testing moreover materials will be the cost-cost relationship of the assignment. Those cost experience around work, attempting likewise material ought to have been helpful something to that effect no cost will be wastage once, in this manner the one undertaking organization staff need ought to screen. 4. Taken a toll non cost relationship-Those cosset which is specifically, roundabout likewise the larger part extraordinary which will be contribute on the venture is known as cost-non cost relationship. Like in the Diminishes specific association extend know cost put investigating quick work/bolster, testing, overhead, materials, GA likewise overpower might be cost moreover non-cost relationship. ANSWER 12 The one undertaking overseer for Corwin Corporation nees the cost from asserting one errand with $2,31,000. Following three month under the venture, those costs, (for example, material, work and so on.) acquired all things considered were $2,49,700. 1. Isolate between evaluated in addition genuine cost. 2. Make sense of that upon what measure of that is just the tip of the ice shelf assessed cost will utilized till realization. 1) The assessed cost in the whole deal for recommendation to sic month is $231000 toward managing each one things incorporating into it. like quick work/bolster, testing, overhead, material. Moreover GA at the outset from guaranteeing recommendation at that the long run. Be that taking after the three months total assignment cost is growing from $231000 ought to $249000 as a result of extending in the attempting additionally materials. Something to that effect taking after three month they settle on a report card to which each quick one of cosset for various things will be shown in addition it development the total cosset of the endeavor from those recommendation. Contrast genuine cosset then a short time later three months-assessed cost at the start from asserting endeavor $249000-$231000= $18000. The $18000 will be development till the third month of the venture yet the wander wont be done yet. The complexity between honest to goodness cost likewise assessed cost taking after three month will be $18000. 2) Concerning delineation we see over then after ward those three month the genuine cost might be more than those assessed cost yet the endeavor wont be done yet. Over then after ward this look west which might be an endeavor organization workforce attempt to help the Dr. Reddy to make another assessed cost chart on entire the endeavor. They disturb a chart for which each and every one of cost contribute upon prompt work, testing, overhead, materials likewise GA is assemble and the last assessed cost to those endeavor submitted might be $517000 which might be more than the recommendation the whole deal assessed cost $231000. The arrangement of the Peters organization errand will be about $250000. Distinction $517000-$250000= $267000. Thusly the Corwin Corporation need $267000 more assessed cost over the venture plan will finish those venture which might be scarcely a sunk cost. B) Distinction the center of prompt cost additionally back gave cost that could realize done Dwindles specific association extend. Verify that how sunk cosset could affect undertaking. Quick cost-Those cost which is particularly experienced upon the wander assembling and organization known as manage cost. For delineation in the Peters office undertaking the cost utilize all the upon materials, direct work/bolster also attempting is known as manage cosset which will be use toward the Corwin Corporation. Underhanded Cost-The continually on liabilities which extension those cosset of the errand at not straight forwardly related with the endeavor fabricating then again organization might be known as underhanded cost. Like cosset utilize all the showcasing, notice, papers, bookkeeping et cetera all is underhanded cost which impact the cosset about wander regardless not particularly for relationship with undertaking E.G. Corwin venture accommodate pay on undertaking advancing division, paper work, phone call charges, et cetera all through thusly, watching and stock game plan of all instrumentation might be upgrade the entirety this overhead cosset might be known as underhanded cost of a Peters shares of the association undertaking. Sunk Cost-The cost which might be some time ago experienced upon those venture besides accommodates realize nothing might be known as sunk cosset. Sunk cosset might be constantly straight forwardly related with the wander in materials, et cetera cosset which might be once in the past pay. E.G. in the Corwin organization those a while prior cost survey is $231000 for particular things regardless then after ward those third month of the venture those attempting increment, materials cosset increment, overhead augmentations which development the cosset from $231000 to $249700 those cost experienced on the past once unmistakable things in this errand might be the sunk cost. Till the realization of Peters association extend a substitute $267000 is extended in the evaluated taken a toll, this cosset is sunk cosset to those corwin organization accordingly it accommodate them nothing. Sunk cosset extended those arrangement for errand. Accepting that the sunk cost is produced over it prompts shut down the venture. C) Focus on the classes of evaluations that could an opportunity to be used in the long run Toms scrutinizing Corwin undertaking for die down association extend. Those endeavor head of Corwin association will have toll the well ought to make the cost estimation to a stretch out there about that the venture complete in time or inside the accommodated arrange. Those distinctive sorts of cosset gauges Similarly as accommodated beneath:- 1. Brutal ask for extent(ROM):- In the current past the one assignment will be definitively start the surveyed make for cosset for venture by those errand executive will be known as unforgiving solicitation degree (ROM). It might be otherwise called the figure gauge of the endeavor. It might be done amid the begin possibility of the venture. The exactness to this kind from guaranteeing appraisals may differs from 50 will 100 percent till the finish of the endeavor. In this we give nonattendance of clever lumpy lions share of the information over those arrangement accommodate brutal quality to an augment. Like in the diminishs specific association extend die down association surveyed the cost $250000 going before starting about wander that cosset is known as unforgiving solicitation degree (ROM) gauges and recognized by those corwin organization will make those wander. 2. Indisputable evaluations:- The decisive cost accommodates those clever lumpy lions share of the information something like those cosset contribute on the different outcome used to settle on the one errand. Those precision of the indisputable assessments will begin with 5 will 10% infers the genuine cost use secured nearby venture may an opportunity to be 5% less assessed cost ought to 10% higher over the gauge cost. Delineation to Diminishs specific association extend alcove west make the definitive evaluations to the assignment and show each cost contribute ahead various part, for example, work/bolster cost, testing, overhead, materials likewise GA cosset all in quick and dirty that upon what measure of cosset use ahead them will settle on the financial plan, the quality about indisputable cost is $231000. 3. Budgetary assessments:- As the cost of the endeavor might be extension beginning with the indisputable cosset in the inside on the other hand in any time of the one errand methodology the appraisals makes toward that event when might be known as budgetary evaluations cost. In this gauges the accuracy movements from 10% ought to 25% extra from those evaluations the exactness movements from 10% ought to 25% extra from those assessments cosset. Moreover look that at which an element those more should experience so the assignment should be finished. For e.g. Corwin enterprise assessed cost augment then a short time later those three month of the venture from $231000 with $249700 in this way the niche west make an arrangement toward that event when toward which things specific association need ought to contribute extra cash, in this the testing materials and overhead cost might be grow. This kind of plan will be known as budgetary assessments. D) Look at definitive additionally brutal demand degree gauges for the help of example from guaranteeing Corwin Corporation contextual investigation. Cruel ask for degree (ROM) gauges 1) Harsh ask for degree gauges finished toward those beginning period of the one assignment. 2) In this as of late survey is accommodated with respect to those wander. 3) It is done when those errand begin to accommodates evaluate about cosset for undertaking assurance. 4) Those accuracy is shifts from 50 with 100 percent. 5) Corwin organization make those undertaking from guaranteeing $250000 beginning with those Peters office assignment. Those cost accommodated toward them is those brutal demand degree gage for complete those one assignment. Indisputable appraisals:- 1) In the indisputable evaluations those for the most part plan from asserting particular outcome used inside those venture making. 2) This sort of asserting assessments used for a correct undertaking making inside the arrangement. 3) It might be completed at those the whole deal for securing and assembling. 4) Those exactness may changes the center of 5 on 10%. 5) Corwin Corporations endeavor manager produce a chart over which the clever dirty cost will be accommodated with respect to direct work/bolster, testing, materials also GA and the by and large arrangement fallen will be $231000 this cost appraisals will be called definitive cosset gauges.   Ã‚  

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Monsoon Insurance

IMPACT OF INDEX MONSOON INSURANCE IN INDIA Literature review †¢AGRICULTURAL INSURANCE IN INDIA-A PERSPECTIVE By Dr. A. Amarender Reddy Scientist (Agricultural Economics) Indian Institute of Pulses Research, com/about-kanpur/" class="ilgen">Kanpur-208024. Abstract Background the paper reviewed the innovative techniques in agricultural/rural insurance, which overcome some of the disadvantages of yield based group insurance and suggests rainfall (weather) index insurance as a better alternative/complement to the existing agricultural insurance scheme.The weather (rainfall) index based insurance is also more compatible with reinsurance practices worldwide, which make primary insurers to cover their local/regional risks by reinsuring themselves with international reinsures. †¢Agriculture & Rural Development Working Paper 9 Innovative Financial Services for Rural India Monsoon-Indexed Lending and Insurance for Smallholders Ulrich Hess The World Bank Agricultural and Rural Dev elopment Department Abstract This paper was prepared by Ulrich Hess.It draws extensively from author’s work on weather insurance and rural finance in India and Morocco †¢Townsend, and James Vickery, Barriers to Household Risk Management: Evidence from India,† Harvard Business School Working Paper, 2010, 09 (116). Abstract What types of households buy index insurance? What factors prevent the remaining households from participating? And does the purchase of index insurance result in more efficient risk taking? †¢Rainfall Index Insurance in India Daniel Stein Dissertation submitted to the Department of Economics for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Economics atThe London School of Economics and Political Science September 2011 Abstract This thesis provides three works which each contribute to understanding of the promising yet struggling market for rainfall index insurance in India Findings of the study †¢Post impact of monsoon index insurance in stabi lisation of farmer’s income. †¢Comparison of growth between states having index monsoon insurance with the states without monsoon insurance †¢Overall economic development of Indian economy due to index monsoon insurance †¢Penetration of monsoon insurance in India. Purpose of the research (or rationale for the study)For the rural poor in India, formal financial services would enable them to maximize returns on their surplus, smooth their consumption, and reduce their vulnerability to risk. However, their financial service needs—which include consumption credit and cash savings are seldom met due to systemic problems in the financial sector and monsoon risk. In 1991, a comprehensive household survey addressing rural access to finance revealed that barely one-sixth of rural households had loans from formal rural finance institutions (RFIs). Beyond credit, most of the rural poor also lack access to the banking system for savings.Farmers respond to the lack o f formal financial services by turning to moneylenders; reducing inputs in Farming; over capitalizing and internalizing risk; and/or by over diversifying their activities which leads to sub-optimal asset allocation. The combined effect of these coping strategies is a poverty trap. Smallholders cannot risk investing in fixed capital or concentrating on the most profitable activities and crops, because they cannot leverage the start-up capital and they face systemic risks that could wipe out their livelihoods at any point in time.The challenge for banks is to innovate a low-cost way of reaching farmers and helping them better manage risk . Agricultural activity is inherently risky due to pest or disease-induced harvest failure, price volatility in commodities markets, or extreme weather events, such as droughts and floods. Smoothing consumption across years or seasons is a significant challenge for agrarian households in developing countries. Parchure (2002) estimated that in India ab out 90% of variation in crop production levels is caused by variation in rainfall levels.In response to these problems, innovative index-based weather insurance was developed, in which the payment schemes are based on an exogenous publically observable index, namely local rainfall. This mitigates problems such as moral hazard and adverse selection and eliminates the need for in-field assessments, lowering the cost of providing insurance. The purpose is to study the effect of insurance in the farmer’s income and how insurance helps in agriculture risk mitigation in Indian context.Coverage for crops and also schemes pertaining to monsoon insurance are also studied and its penetration in Indian market. Aim To study economic development due to monsoon insurance 1. Objectives †¢To study the effect of insurance in the farmers income †¢How insurance helps in agriculture risk mitigation in Indian context †¢To study coverage for crops and also schemes pertaining to mons oon insurance †¢To study Overall economic development of Indian economy due to index monsoon insurance †¢To compare and study agricultural growth pre and post effect implications of monsoon insurance in Indian economyHypothesis (or key questions) Index monsoon insurance has overall created a positive impact on Indian economy. Research Methodology Stage 1 Literature Research A comprehensive review of the relevant literature including a computer assisted search will be Undertaken in order to develop an understanding of previous work related to index monsoon insurance. Stage 2 descriptive research Review of literature in the field of agriculture and insurance to understand the growth of both the fields Stage 3 article researchEffect of insurance is studied by reviewing different articles and case studies related to monsoon insurance impact on specifies states which are more exposed to extreme climatic conditions Stage 4 statistics research A review of current as well as past statistics related to agricultural sector to analyse the trend Stage 5: Writing Up This stage involves writing up the content of the dissertation and should cover their chapters proposed Proposed Contents of the dissertation 1. Introduction 2. Agricultural sector and its challenges 3. Index monsoon insurance and its different schemes 4. Theoretical Framework of the study . Implications of monsoon index insurance 6. Interpretation and conclusion 7. Bibliography Work Plan/Diary First and second week -Review of Literature Second and third week- case study research Next 2 weeks- analysing the statistics Next 4 weeks – interpretation of statistics Next 2 weeks- collecting information from experts in the field of insurance Next 2 weeks – writing up the case study Next 2 weeks – Submission of soft copy for approval http://www. cirm. in/events/agriculture-index-insurance-conference-2012 -imp http://www. cgap. org/blog/lessons-india-weather-insurance-small-farmers

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Poverty in the United States Essay

In the United States, poverty is mainly classified into two categories, absolute poverty and relative poverty. It is measured in terms of poverty threshold which comprehend poverty as a lack of those goods and services that most of conventional people in the society take them for granted. Absolute poverty is defined as the lack of least amount of food and shelter indispensable for maintaining life. On the other hand, relative poverty exemplifies how income relates to the median income and not necessarily that a person is lacking anything. The results from the statistics indicate that approximately 20 percent of the American population lives in poverty. One main cause of poverty in America is existence of culture of poverty which passes from generation to another generation (Mink, O’Connor, 2004). Based on the conception that anything is possible in America, the poor are thus said to be the source of their poverty. They always prefer to live life for the moment and show less interest about the future. As a result, poverty continues to increase as the underprivileged people feel lesser, unreceptive, desperate and incapable. Fluctuations of economic performance in U. S have necessitated the high rate of poverty. For instance, during recessions, the rate of unemployment increases, working hours are abridged and family incomes stagnates thus leading to poverty. Various aspects of educational system can play a major role in curbing this problem. For instance, teachers need to be tuned in to the culture of poverty and be sensitive to the enormous assortment of needs that children of poverty bring to the classroom (Mink, O’Connor, 2004). Educational systems operate in various rules and norms that will allow harmonious relationship between the cultural values of the affected children and values of prosperity and wealth emphasized in schools. References Mink, G. & O’Connor, A. (2004). Poverty in the United States: An Encyclopedia of History, Politics and Policy, Volume 1. London: Routledge

Friday, November 8, 2019

How to Plan a Traditional Chinese Wedding

How to Plan a Traditional Chinese Wedding While Chinese weddings have become infused with Western wedding traditions, most Chinese weddings maintain some traditional cultural elements. Do you want to know how to plan a traditional Chinese wedding? From the engagement to the ceremony, heres what you should know. 1. Plan the Perfect Engagement As in Western culture, before a wedding, there must first be an engagement. In the past, most Chinese families relied on arranged marriages, but today, the majority of couples find their own match and marry for love. However, some elements of a traditional Chinese  wedding engagement remain intact. For example, the grooms family will typically send a betrothal gift to the brides family, which typically includes food and cakes. These gifts help seal the engagement. In addition to betrothal gifts, both the bride and grooms family will consult a fortune teller whose role is to help the family determine if the couple is compatible for marriage. The fortune teller will use various things such as names, birth dates, and time of birth to analyze compatibility. If all goes well, the couple will set a date for their marriage. 2. Choose the Right Dress For many Chinese women, picking the perfect wedding gown actually means picking three dresses. The typical traditional dress is called a qipao, which has been worn in China since the 17th century. Most women will wear one red qipao, a white Western-style gown, and a third ball gown throughout the night. The dresses are changed throughout the reception after courses are served. Some brides will even opt for a fourth dress, which they wear as they are saying their goodbyes as guests depart the wedding. 3. Invite Guests Traditional  Chinese wedding invitations are typically red and placed within a red envelope. Unlike the red envelopes used to give gifts of money, wedding invitation envelopes are typically wider and longer. The text is usually written in gold, which is a symbol of wealth in Chinese culture. Like in Western culture, the invitation features important information about the celebration. However, invitations are sometimes only mailed or hand presented several weeks or days before the wedding, as opposed to many months. The double happiness character, shuÄ ngxÇ Ã‚  (é›™åâ€"Å") is often written somewhere on the invitation. 4. Choose Decor Decorations at a typical Chinese wedding are usually provided by the reception venue. The Chinese character for happiness is often hung upside down as a symbol for the arrival of happiness. In addition to Chinese symbols, decor may include lights, candles, and flowers similar to those youd find at a typical Western wedding. Venues will often have a stage where the bridge and groom stands before the reception begins and while toasts are being made. Guests are not invited to the exchanging of vows, so the reception is the first time they see the couple.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

To what extent can Grendon be considered a Maverick prison Essays

To what extent can Grendon be considered a Maverick prison Essays To what extent can Grendon be considered a Maverick prison Essay To what extent can Grendon be considered a Maverick prison Essay Ongoing debates surrounding the idea of prisons have highlighted how prisons arent working. HMP Grendon has become a landmark in British prison history as a prison that has sought alternative methods of treatment for the incapacitation of offenders. This paper will outline the methods used by Grendon in the prisons attempts to rehabilitate offenders and how those methods compare to those currently employed in regular prisons. It will finally be argued that Grendon, supported by a number of empirical findings, has taken the risks and gained the results that ensure the prisons status as a Maverick prison. HMP Grendon is a category B prison outside Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire. It opened in 1963, in a period of great social change which saw homosexuality legalised, the Open University founded, an equal pay act established, and the implementation of race relations legislation (Wilson, D. , 1994). In understanding the social context of the prisons beginnings we can start to understand the theoretical underpinnings of its core aspects. With new ways of understanding the old, Grendon brought a new way of understanding how to deal with offenders into the light. The prison is divided into six wings, five of which are relatively independent therapeutic communities with 40 or so residents in each, with a smaller assessment and preparation wing for 25. Most of the prisoners are in for crimes such as armed robbery, murder and a variety of sex offences. All have sentences of more than four years and all have volunteered to go there. Often many of the members have given up the option of parole to try to sort themselves out before being released. The therapeutic communities used by Grendon incorporate four main elements that contribute to the running of the establishment which are democracy and empowerment; the prisoners have rights of power over the administration and running of the prison; They also have responsibility; the prison encourages responsibility on an individual and collective level; Support; the system employed at the prison allows for the support of offenders from a variety of staff including psychiatrists, psychologists, probation staff, as well as those there to educate the prisoners; and finally confrontation; the prisoners are force to confront their crimes and the impact they have had on any victims and the prisoners are confronted if they should play down their crimes or if they attempt to harm others in the therapeutic community. Our current prison system is based on the idea that prison works and to varying extents the models of deterrence, prevention, retribution, and rehabilitation are heavily imbedde d in the idea of incarceration. The thinking behind the deterrent/ prevention model is that prison acts as a deterrent because of its unpleasant nature. Jeremy Bentham particularly advocated this view, that punishment should be sufficiently distasteful to the offender that the discomfort experienced would outweigh the pleasure to be deprived from criminal activity (Olsen, 1999:213). According to theorists such as Bentham such punishment can work on either a general or individual level in that both the general public who may be considering a crime are deterred as well as those who experience the prison system first-hand. By deterring crime through prisons it is hoped that it will be prevented. The retributive model of punishment states that those who offend deserve to suffer and that punishment institutions should inflict the punishment they deserve, which is justified for deliberate wrong doing. It favours the philosophy of an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth and is considered to be backward looking in that it focuses on the crime already committed by the person rather than the utilitarian focus on the future consequences of punishment seen in deterrence models. Rehabilitation aims not to punish the offender but to teach them how they can reintegrate into society to lead law abiding lives. It is hoped the prisoners problems can be identified and resolved- The objective of reform or rehabilitation is to reintegrate the offender into society after a period of punishment, and to design the content of the punishment so as to achieve this. (Hudson, B; Understanding Justice; 1996 p26) The effectiveness of rehabilitation in regular prisons has come under much scrutiny due largely to the overcrowding of the prisons At every level of the prison system, overcrowding is having an effect on the ability of prisons to deliver rehabilitative programmes. In spite of additional resources, the movement of prisoners and the gap between the number of prisoners and the spaces available are making it very difficult to provide sufficient positive activity for enough prisoners (Rehabilitation of Prisoners, first report of the Home Affairs Select Committee, 2004-05, November 2004). The amount of inmates in prisons clearly means that rehabilitation does not make up a significant part of the prison regime for prisoners. Over the years there has been much debate over which models are most effective of rehabilitation in prisons has been widely questioned; In 1974 Martinson questioned What works? and in his paper stated that our present strategies cannot overcome, or even appreciably reduce, the powerful tendencies of offenders to continue in criminal behavior (Martinson, 1974: 49), and so proclaimed the nothing works. Later however, in 1979 he stated that some treatment programs do have an appreciable effect on recidivism. (Martinson, 1979: 244) and that [s]uch startling results are found again and again in our study, for treatment programs as diverse as individual psychotherapy, group counselling, intensive supervision, and what we have called individual/help (aid, advice, counselling). (Martinson, 1979: 255). Although he did not advocate rehabilitation as a primary tool for the punishment of offenders, his view that nothing works moved to everything works a little bit and can be seen as an important time for the future of rehabilitation. The differences between HMP Grendon and other regular prisons first become apparent in the physical running of the prison. The unlocking of the prisoners at 7. 45am until 21. 00pm and the calling of the staff by their first names all symbolise a more relaxed atmosphere than that of regular prisons. All types of category B offenders are deliberately kept together and encouraged to socialise with each other which is a stark contrast to the running of standard prisons which tend to cultivate a kind of hierarchy with armed robbers and murderers at the top and sex offenders at the bottom. This hierarchy often causes numerous threats of abuse often ending in segregation. In encouraging all prisoners to take part in the system together and on an equal level there is no need for segregation. Those at Grendon have no privacy however and there are no secrets allowed within the prison which can often be difficult for the prisoners as the us and them ethos of their previous prison experience was often characterised by secrecy between the prisoners as well as between the prisoners and staff. One of the biggest distinctions that set Grendon apart from all other prisons in the UK is its democratic structure that aims to empower the prisoners in giving them a voice on matters of conduct within the establishment. Empowerment within the prison is considered important for the growth of each prisoner as an individual and each of the prisoners have a direct say in every aspect of how the prison is run. They are given the opportunity to work out for themselves what is right and wrong and have the right to vote other prisoners out of therapy should they break any of the three rules of therapy, which are; no drink; no drugs; and no violence. Those who are voted out of therapy are returned to their sending establishment. In giving the prisoners a chance to stop such behaviour, issues such as drug addiction, which is often fuelled or created, not stopped by being in prison, automatically becomes less of a problem than in other prisons. In being able to apply their own values to the world in which they are living they are given, it is hoped, a better feeling of self worth than what is given in regular prisons in that they are not told what to do, they are encouraged to decide for themselves what is right. It is hoped that the prisoners can then apply that idea to the outside world. At Grendon the barriers between staff and prisoners are broken down and very often members of staff become more like friends than prison staff and a kind of mutual respect is formed which encourages good behaviour amongst the prisoners. This is illustrated well in David Wilson and Stephen McCabes (2002) study which attempted to understand how Grendon works in the words of those undergoing therapy. One of the prisoners stated that They [the prison staff] gave me respect, and that made me have self respect. I started to see things for what they were, and when you feel good about yourself, you feel good about other people too. The distinction between regular prisons and Grendon becomes clear here; at Grendon democracy and respect go hand in hand whereas elsewhere in other prisons, neither exist. In England the prison population has risen dramatically and is at its highest ever recorded level. In February 2004 the prison population in England and Wales reached an all time record population of 74,594- an increase of 3. 6% over the year. Since 1995, over 15,200 additional prison place have been provided at a cost of more than    £2 billion and the UK has the highest imprisonment rate in the European union at 141 per 100,000 (Baker, N. , 2004). With the prison population growing so rapidly and prisons costing so much it is evident that the current solutions to crime are not working. Of particular concern is the fact that recidivism rates for those coming out of prison show that 45% of men re-offend within two years, 38% of women, 72% of young males and 51% of young females re-offend within two years of their release. (Prisons). This evidence unmistakably indicates that traditional punishment does not work. Research carried out by the Home Office has found strong links between time spent at Grendon and low rates of recidivism. There findings found that; Lower rates of reconviction were found for prisoners who went to Grendon than for prisoners selected for Grendon but who did not go; Time spent at Grendon was strongly related to reconviction reconviction rates were lower for prisoners who stayed for longer periods; Prisoners who stayed 18 months at Grendon exhibited reductions in reconviction rate of around one-fifth to one-quarter; Both mode of release from Grendon (i. e. transfer back to the prison system or release into the community) and length of stay at Grendon had an impact on reconviction rates, but of the two, length of stay seemed considerably more important (Marshall, P. , 1997). This work supported the results found by Cullen in his 1994 study that found that time in therapy at Grendon was significantly related to rates of reconviction with 18 months being a threshold for the greatest improvement, with those who left therapy before 18 months having reconviction rates twice that of those who completed 18 months or more. (Wilson and McCabe, 2002). Research findings such as these suggest a contrast in the success rate of Grendon and other prisons in terms of recidivism and indicate wholly that Grendons achievements have far outdone those of the prison system and Grendon appears to be working. As well as recidivism, the fact that those who go to Grendon (arguably) come out better people and can actively participate and contribute to society also must be taken into consideration. Whilst those who have served in regular prisons are constantly churned in and out of prisons having reproduced the same morals and values that got them there in the first place, Grendon is able to aid the prisoners in developing values and morals compatible with leading non criminal lifestyles. This means that not only does the prisoner not (it is hoped) commit crimes but he is also able to make a positive contribution to society. The major differences that can be seen between Grendon and regular prisons is of course the fact that they are a rehabilitative establishment rather than purely a punishment establishment. This has meant that the focus has been on teaching prisoners the effects of their crimes and to understand why and how they came to do the things that they have done and why they should not continue doing them. While regular prisons continue to make bad people worse Grendon has been able to work with the prisoners instead of against them and so allowing the prisoners to see how the process can be mutually beneficial to both the prisoners and the staff, as well as the outside world. The democratic nature of the way the prison is run empowers the prisons but at the same time, with democracy comes responsibility and being responsible for ones own actions is one of the first steps to being able to shrug off a criminal lifestyle. With Grendon being based on communalism the prisoners are able to learn how to become one of the working components that make up a community and this in turn enables the prisoner to feel that they have a worthwhile contribution to make to the outside world. Though criticism does exist about Grendon, particularly from prisoners in other establishments who see it as the soft option, it has in fact been found (Wilson and McCabe, 2002) that once the prisoners are there they find the methods employed by Grendon as tougher than any other bird they have had to do. Often, being forced to face the crimes that they have committed or having to face personal issues from their past can be much tougher than having to sit in a cell for 23 hours a day. HMP Grendon has undoubtedly shown itself to be standing apart from other prisons in the United Kingdom. In terms of its structure, what it aims to achieve and how those achievements are realised, it has contradicted the deterrence, prevention and retribution models that our current prison system is so heavily based on. It has shown that rehabilitation works and the rates of recidivism at Grendon, compared to those of regular prisons, reflect that.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Access to Insurance Versus Access to Care Research Paper

Access to Insurance Versus Access to Care - Research Paper Example They have limited access to health care compared to legal immigrants and native citizens. Overtime, undocumented immigrants are restricted from accessing Medicare and obtaining Medicaid, which are the main insurance programs. Fear of deportation, job restrictions and language barriers are the vital factors limiting undocumented immigrants to accessing health care (Bond & Bond, 1994). In order to provide unlimited health care to United States citizens, there should be an amendment on health care system policies. Policies for improvement include universal health care, increasing competition and accountability in health care, and making health care system accessible and affordable. Implementing these policies would ensure that all inhabitants of United States access affordable health care. Policy makers should implement a single health insurance system policy for realization of health care accessibility. In this policy, all citizens are entitled to medical care in spite of age, job or race according to Medicare system. In addition, the government should design strategies of providing medical insurance and not just delivering health care to strengthen Medicare policy. Furthermore, implemented policies should encourage non-profit and private health care resource providers. Implementation of health and Medicare policies would ensure accessibility to quality and affordable care to all citizens irrespective of income or employment status. Though there is availability of health care access, high prices of insurance policies hinder it. To enhance affordability and access of health care, provision of medical care should be through auto insurance system. An auto insurance system would widen choice for insurance cover and lessen government bureaucracy in health care sector. Increasing choice of health care would present different health care choices for citizens. Besides, competition amongst health care providers would increase which will consequently decrease

Friday, November 1, 2019

CV about SWOT Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

CV about SWOT - Assignment Example Either alone or as a member of a team, my experience demands problems solving techniques on any project or system. I have worked for small and influential companies. Modern technology has caused the duties of a mechanical engineer to be advanced. I have a course in computers programming, and I can use information technology and computer techniques when need arises. While working for large companies, I had to be part of a team. This gave me the experience to be a team player and to appreciate harmony within team makes.   In small companies, teams were understated, and I developed and independent mind when it comes to looking for solutions. My academic transcripts indicate a top student especially in math’s and physics and one who is in this field out of passion. My experience was consolidated while I attended internship in the course of learning. I was able to acquire skills from the ground and improve on inadequacies.WeaknessesEngineering field is a wide field and requires v ast experience and exposure (Derbyshire 2012). The exposure I have is helpful but has room for improvement. This is because the mechanical engineering field is dynamic and enormous. It demands time and aggressiveness in order to have knowledge on systems. The other weakness is the use of old technology especially in the student’s laboratories.OpportunitiesThe field of mechanical engineering is widening in scope and capacity. Many industries and opening with an aim of developing state -of -the -art- machines using complex systems.Â